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Aircraft Operations in Europe: Fuel, Additional Services and Security

By April 27, 2020July 31st, 2023No Comments

Year after year, Europe stands as an alliance of some of the powerful nations in the
world. While it may be regarded as the “old continent,” cities in Germany, Italy, Spain
and more are often regarded as great places to do business as well as to visit on

Since most of the countries in the continent are part of the European Union (EU),
regulations are very similar from country to country. Furthermore, the Schengen Area
largely eases the hassles of moving from country to country inside the member nations.
However, it is still important to be aware of how the cost of fuel, access, security and
other factors could complicate your business travel.


While member countries of the European Union benefit from similar taxation patterns,
countries have some flexibility to charge additional taxes, and this includes duties over
aviation fuel. In addition, a small portion of Europe, such as Norway and Switzerland,
does not belong to the EU, and therefore has its own fees for purchasing fuel.

Thankfully, given the proximity of many countries within the Schengen Area, business
aviation can often opt to purchase fuel in nearby cities that may be more cost effective.
To save time with research, there are also fuel supplier databases like Fuelworx that
allow you to search for the most affordable providers in Europe or around the world to
help with your decision on where it is best to operate when traveling.

Migrations and Security

While borders may be open between countries in the Schengen area, that doesn’t
mean Europe takes security lightly. In light of recent events, many airports in Europe
have even increased security measures to ensure they align with global standards of
safety. With that being said, for those that would prefer to avoid the long security lines,
you can coordinate with a local fixed-base operator (FBO) to handle this process in a
more private setting.

For those that are citizens of the EU, travel is relatively simple and visa-free. However,
if you are coming from a country outside this area, it is important to determine what, if
any, restrictions may be in place when traveling to Europe. For example, citizens of
Brazil, the United States and more can stay for up to 90 days at a time in EU without a

Additional Services

Given the many metropolitan cities across the continent, it may be difficult to know
where to start your trip. Thankfully, a large number of airports in the area have FBOs
available to assist with business aviation travel.

In addition, the quality of FBO services in Europe tends to be high. In a survey
conducted by AIN in 2019, out of the top 10 FBOs in Europe, Middle East, Africa and
Asia-Pacific, nine were located in Europe, with seven belonging to the global top 20%.

Bottom Line

Europe remains one of the most popular continents to visit, and for good reason.
Whether you desire to visit the Trevi Fountain in Rome or the Eiffel Tower in Paris, a
wide variety of high-quality airports exist to ensure your travel goes off without a hitch.
However, this does not exempt challenges and adversities from happening. Having a
reliable, 24/7 flight planning company like Flightworx is of great value, and can help you
rest assured that you will always have the most efficient flight whenever you visit


Feel free to contact our team here at Flightworx today for advice on flight planning and aviation fuel supply.

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