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Flightworx Aviation’s Fuelworx expands its EU Fuel VAT Exemption Programme

By February 10, 2020September 24th, 2021No Comments

Flightworx Aviation’s Fuelworx, continues to go from strength to strength by flexing and listening to their client’s requirements surrounding fuel VAT exemptions.  “Exempting VAT on EU fuel allows us to support our clients in greater depth, which is why we continue to expand the list of territories where commercial operators can benefit.” Says James Kossick, Fuel Manager.

Flightworx Fuel Services Ltd, TA Fuelworx starts 2020 with news that they can now zero rate fuel invoices in Spain.  This is a welcome addition to their current EU locations of Ireland, The UK, Germany and France. “It’s really pleasing to see the list of countries get larger and larger where we can assist AOC holders.  We will not be stopping here as we have plans to register in two, possibly three more EU countries by the end of 2020.  We can of course still offer the exemptions outside of Europe and have always had this ability,” says James