When flight planning, there are so many factors to take into consideration including which specific airport you plan to land at and the expected weather conditions. With so many things to keep in mind, it is also important not to take your eye off the ball when it comes to the availability of Avgas and Jet A1 aviation fuel.
If you are not sure whether or not you will be able to refuel on arrival, then it may be necessary to adjust your entire flight plan to take account of any local shortages in aviation fuel. Of course, a prolonged shortage may mean you cannot refuel at all but even a delivery delay can push up the jet fuel cost and cause unwanted hassle.
Thanks to our extensive network of aviation fuel suppliers, the team at Flightworx can help. That said, what are the factors to look out for which may lead to problems with aviation fuel supply?
Lack of Availability
In Europe and much of North America, the complete lack of availability of jet fuel is rare. However, it can be an issue when you choose to land at some of the more remote municipal general aviation airports.
Unless you are choosing a flight route that is reasonably close to a large city, it is best to check that you will be able to refuel before setting out on the assumption that this will be possible. When flying to remote parts of Africa and Asia, this is an even more crucial step to remember.
Aviation Fuel Shortages
Some common destinations around Europe and the United States get extremely busy at particular points in the calendar. For example, during the Monaco Grand Prix weekend, Nice Côte d’Azur Airport (LFMN/NCE) operates at very close to its capacity.
At such times, even a well-stocked aviation fuel supplier can run low which means the jet fuel price is likely to go up. This is where local knowledge and professional relationships with aviation fuel companies really helps – something that Flightworx can provide.
Extreme Events
Significant events, whether they are caused by civil unrest, striking airport workers or extreme weather patterns, all have the potential to impact negatively on aviation fuel supply.
Bear in mind that many modern airports have their jet fuel supplied to them by a pipeline but those which require alternative methods, such as trucking it in, can face severe shortages when such extreme events occur. Even though there may be fuel on-site, delivery to your aircraft may be impossible when industrial action is taking place.
Of course, local high winds and flooding – even if they do not occur at the airport itself – can also cause significant problems with the availability of aircraft fuel. Bear in mind that even if there is fuel available, contamination may have occurred which may take several hours – or even days – to resolve.
As such, you may need to make alternative arrangements to refuel at a location that has been unaffected by the particular event, regardless of what it is.
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Unsure about how best to plan your flights or optimise your flight path for fuel consumption? Feel free to contact our team here at Flightworx today for advice on flight planning and aviation fuel supply.