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New Planning Coordinator for Flightworx

By July 5, 2019September 24th, 2021No Comments

Meet Amber,

Our newest planning coordinator to join the Flightworx team, responsible for applying for flight permits, pre-planning flight routes and assist with more complex trips.

Amber joins us from completing her Aviation Business management course at Stansted airport college, see her story below:

I enrolled onto the work transition programme at Stansted airport college. This programme was a 1-year course, designed to help me transition into an aviation-based workplace. I studied level 3 aviation operations BTEC level 3. The course gave me a key understanding of airport operations and basic aviation knowledge and skills to progress into the aviation industry where I found Flightworx.

Fun Facts:

Dream: To visit the Christmas Island to see the tiny red crabs.

Favorite Food: Anything Turkish

Football Team: Arsenal

Amber will now complete our intense internal training before going onto shift, congratulations Amber we wish you all the best.